Nora's Mama

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Raise Your Hand if You Like to Sleep

The first picture is from Nora's first night in this big world of ours. The second picture is from when she was about 1 month old. The bottom picture is from a week ago. I probably don't need to point out that her pose is nearly identical from picture to picture. Even her ultrasound photos had her arms up next to her ears.

As you can see, she likes to sleep and is very capable of getting comfortable.

So the beautiful and sound sleeping Nora did not live up to her peaceful sleeping photos last night. We had a rare rough sleeping time with her last night/this morning. She fell asleep around 9 pm last night while nursing and slept soundly till about 3 am. I woke up to her hungry noises, got her out of her crib and brought her to bed with me. She nursed herself back to sleep as per usual. What was unusual about today is that she woke up again at 5 am nearly screaming.

Little Nora had horrible gassy tummy pains and between her crying, it being 5 am and the sheer unusualness of this early morning outburst Virgil and I were hardly able to manage. After about an hour and half of trying to burp her, trying to comfort her, trying to find a position to hold her that helped and didn't make her unhappier we were out of options to try. So we decided to go for a drive and see if a change of scenery and some motion didn't help lull her back to sleep. We laid her down on the bed and started getting dressed ourselves to go out. By the time we were done putting on our jeans we noticed she had stopped crying and seemed to be falling asleep. We crept over to the bed, peered over and watched as her eyes got lower and lower and lower until she fell asleep. We then collapsed into bed for a blissful 3 extra hours of sleep.
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